We think it’s fair to say that life after Coronavirus won’t return to the way we knew it before and a ‘new normal’ is dawning.
The signs are there that more businesses will remain working from home, including Twitter who has already announced that this will be the case in the wake of Coronavirus. A recent survey by the world’s leading research and advisory company, Gartner also revealed that 41% of their workforce will continue to work remotely in.
But what will the ‘new normal’ look like for public-facing businesses such as restaurants, supermarkets, banks, hotels, museums and educational institutes etc? As these businesses look towards life after lockdown, they need to consider how they will manage the risk of further viral spread.
The way people go about their normal activities, such as shopping, grabbing a coffee, visiting public spaces and using public transport needs to be re-thought.
Thankfully, they can rely on innovation to help support this ‘new normal’ with technology solutions by UK based HikVision which supplies temperature screening, mask detection, density control, digital displays and facial recognition terminals.
So let’s look at each technology a little closer.
Temperature Screening
Designed to detect skin surface temperature in order to achieve rapid and safe initial screening in public places. With different product types and applications available to suit your business’s need, temperature screening is highly efficient and offers safe, fast and smart detection.
Mask Detection
If wearing a mask is something you’ll require of the public before entering your premises, HikVision’s mask detection technology does what it says on the tin! Advanced solutions that also include skin temperature readings are also available.
Density Control
With social distancing looking like it will be a normal part of life in the foreseeable future, this density control technology automatically counts and limits the number of people allowed on a premises at any one time. It also includes clear signage, directing customers around a building in a way that avoids overcrowding but if ‘hot spots’ do occur where too many people are congregating in one place, the system will flag it up!
Digital Display
The HikVision digital display combines all of the above systems, making for a clear and concise solution that ensures people are entering your building on your terms, greatly reducing the risk of viral spread This solution also incorporates digital video messaging and advertising, letting everybody know when they can enter your premises, displaying along with it specific messages in real-time. An all-in-one solution perfect for retailers, schools, hospitals and larger office buildings.
So, if you’re planning for business life after lockdown, get in touch today for a no-obligation conversation about some of these amazing solutions. Call us on 03300 020 000 or email john.darling@microcomms.co.uk
Stay Safe!